For Those Who Say Wrestling is Fake

I don’t think it’s a secret that 10 Count Blog has been wavering for the last few years. A lot has happened and the truth is, I just don’t have the time or the wherewithal to keep up with this blog regularly like it deserves. I think most of the fans of 10 Count have probably moved on at this point since we stopped doing our podcast and since this doesn’t get much attention anymore. And that’s fair.

But this started out as a guy who loved wrestling who needed a creative outlet because no one in his life was as passionate about pro wrestling as he was. Hi, I’m that guy. My name is Jason Tiller.

In the beginning I wrote about WWE almost exclusively. It was all I knew. I’d never heard of indie wrestling and I certainly didn’t know that the area in which I live had a rich wrestling history. I didn’t know that Evansville, Indiana – a town just an hour south of me – was a stop on Jerry Jarret’s Memphis loop. I didn’t know that guys like Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Jerry the King Lawler, Jim Cornette, Bobby Eaton, Dennis Condrey, Stan Lane, Ricky Morton, Robert Gibson, Dr. Tom Pritchard, and countless others had probably been to my town on a fairly regular basis in the 70’s and 80’s.

The Evansville Coliseum is a Historic Place

I didn’t know that there were modern day promotions, not just one, but multiple promotions, building on that legacy in the wake of the demise of the NWA Territory System. And these promotions weren’t just in Evansville, but they were all over southern Indiana and Illinois and northwestern Kentucky; each one of them honoring the legacy of Memphis Wrestling. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the phrase “Memphis Style” over the years.

I truly live in a hotbed of wrestling history, and I never would have known. I would have been content to watch my WWE and move on. But no – that wasn’t what the wrestling gods had in store for me.

No, Not this Cock Thistle. #IStandWithKylie

Little did I know that just driving home from work one evening my life would be changed forever. The Wrestling Gods gave me a sign that I couldn’t ignore. It was outside of the Vincennes, Indiana Eagles Club and said “Pro Wrestling, Saturday (whatever that date was, 2016), 5 Bucks.”

Pro Wrestling? In Vincennes? What? This, I had to see. So the following Saturday, I made my way there and to my surprise, there was a real ring complete with ropes and everything. I won’t go into all of the details, but I enjoyed the show and little did I know I met the guy who would become one of my greatest friends in the world that night, Blaine Black (love you buddy!) In fact, I enjoyed the show so much that I wrote about it. You can find the link here.

I didn’t know it, never even thought about it, but that blog post changed the trajectory of 10 Count Blog and ultimately my life. The people at TSW found it and shared it into oblivion. They were grateful for the publicity and I was grateful for the clicks. The wrestlers started reaching out to me to say thank you and inviting me back to the shows. The Promoter, Barry, reached out to me and actually invited me to come in and check out the behind the scenes and pitched partnering with 10 Count Blog to help them promote. I was all in from the start. I took photos and you can find tons of my galleries online. I posted match reviews. The 10 Count Podcast started because I had access to basically everything and everyone. Honestly, it kinda snowballed.

Eventually though, as all passionate wrestling fans with the level of access I had do, I got the itch to get in the ring. From that first bump, I was hooked. I was no longer just a mark with an iPhone and a camera, as I used to call myself. I couldn’t be. I’d tasted the sweet nectar of the wrestling gods’ teat and I was addicted. I trained and became an independent pro wrestler.

And wrestling was there for me. It was there when I was living in a state where the only friends I really had were fairweather church friends, my wife and my in-laws. Wrestling was there when I went through my divorce and all the drama that followed. Wrestling was there to give me some of the best and most lasting friendships of my life. Wrestling was there when I met my current wife who is just the biggest fan of the Undertaker and swiped right on me because I had a picture of myself with a belt.

The photo that got my kids a step-mom.

Wrestling has been one of the most important parts of my life. Its been therapist, buddy, enemy, coach, trainer, and lifeline all rolled into one. I’ve sacrificed my time, my first marriage, time with my kids, my health, my sanity (at times), and so much more to be involved in it. It’s taught me endurance, perseverance, how to self-motivate, to have confidence in myself, psychology, and that getting punched in the face doesn’t hurt as bas as you think it will.

So when I hear someone calling it fake, like most people who have given of themselves for wrestling, my blood fucking boils. And now we get down to the reason and inspiration for this post.


By all accounts, I think most people would tell you in my real life, I’m fairly non-confrontational. I don’t like to stir the pot. I stay in my lane and live my own life. But I have been known to offer chops to people who call wrestling fake. They tend to decline that offer. What can I say? Being a big dude does occasionally have its perks.

A few weeks back, there was a…. lets call it a situation. A person who I had spent a lot of time, money, gas and sanity to help, and who had never shown any sort of gratitude, began acting like an entitled, narcissistic prick and proceeded to blame my wife for all of his shortcomings as a man and a father. You know, as all narcissists do – nothing was his fault. That eventually spiraled into an argument between he and my wife. It’s here that I’ll tell you that one of my fatal flaws is that I tend to have the “White Knight” mentality and I certainly wasn’t going to let this sorry waste of space speak to my wife the way he was. So, I spoke up.

And it did exactly what I intended. It took the focus off my wife and he put it solely on me. I have big shoulders. I can take it and dish it right back out. So after a few verbal jabs back and forth, he throws his verbal haymaker. I guess he didn’t realize that mine was bigger because when I came back at him, he was out of options and resorted to making idle threats of physical violence.

Now it’s here I should tell you that while I have many flaws, I’m also a master of self control in situations like this. I was shaking angry – like not even a euphemism, I was physically shaking and ready to get my hands on this motherfucker. But I fought the urge to reach out the window of my vehicle and throttle this guy because the situation called for self-control. The last thing I needed at that time was to spend the night in a jail cell with pending charges of simple assault and battery. Plus my wife was there and there was a young child in the vicinity. It just wasn’t the time.


Though, I did tell him if he felt as though he was amphibious enough, while insinuating that he has regular sexual relations with the matriarch of his family, that he should bend his legs, push off and take flight in my general direction with the intention of rotating his shoulder backwards to charge his arm’s kinetic energy and suddenly throwing it forward in my general direction. Translated: if you feel froggy, motherfucker, leap and come take a swing.

It’s funny how people choose not to do that when you offer them the opportunity. Instead, he backed up, and continued to run his mouth. And while I found him amusing because he apparently was incapable of backing up his words with action, he uttered the phrase “your fake wrestling f****t bullshit won’t help you. I bet that’s why you wrestle anyway – so you can touch other men.”

It was at this point my wife had to hold me back. First, it’s 2024 – you need to delete the “f” word as it relates to our homosexual brothers and sisters from your vocabulary. Second, for you to call wrestling fake, knowing that I, as a wrestler, will defend it until my dying breath while also retreating to the safety of your living room is a total wuss move.

I agree.

So why is it so offensive to say that wrestling is fake? Why did him saying that make me want to rip his head off and take a shit down his neck hole? Because, it’s not fake. Predetermined? Sure. But fake? Not on your life.

Let me first tell you about how a wrestling ring is constructed. Steel posts and rails are at it’s base and either sheets of plywood or 2×6 boards make up the floor. A pad, about as thick as a common household rug with the density of what you’d find in your couch is layered over the wood and covered with a piece of vinyl or canvas and tied down. The ropes are then added. They can either be actual rope, typically covered with a layer of what is basically electrical tape or they can be steel cables, shoved through the cheapest water hoses you can find at your local Lowe’s and taped around with the same tape previously mentioned. These ropes are tightened with a heavy duty, double sided, threaded steel hook attached to an eyebolt on the rope and covered with a thin pad. We call these the turnbuckles as they create the 90 degree bends in the ropes that shape the square that is a wrestling ring.

After putting a shit ton of tension on all of these to make the ropes tight, multiple people spend the night throwing themselves, not falling, but actively throwing themselves at the floor of this contraption and against the ropes, praying that they don’t break under the forces of their weight and momentum. Most people are doing this with a minimal amount of clothes on or if they are covered, it’s typically by some sort of thin spandex and still isn’t designed to cover all of your body.

Steel and wood. And sometimes real rope. That’s it. This is the contraption we’re trusting to make what we’re doing “safe.” Add a steel cage or weapons into the mix and it can become a different beast entirely. This is what we train on for hours on end. IT’s the same exact construction for when we’re out there in front of screaming fans. Bruises, ripped skin, canvas burns, wear and tear on your body from hitting the mat. Wrestling a match has literally been compared by experts to being in a car crash. Ask Darren Drozdov how that worked out for him. Here’s a link.

Photo Credit: Fox Sports

But let’s take that argument out of the mix. That’s a tired old argument anyway and most people who think wrestling is fake won’t believe that its anything more than basically a big trampoline. Let’s get specific. Let’s talk about my personal wrestling journey.

I remember how sore and bruised I was after my first day of training. Every muscle I have, even some I didn’t even know I had, hurt like a motherfucker. My back and sides were torn to shreds courtesy of learning how to hit the ropes and I had tiny nagging canvas burns on my knees, elbows and knuckles from learning how to bump and then getting right back up to do it again.

I wish this was me…

I remember training classes where they taught you how to throw working punches. I remember the people who just couldn’t get it and kept throwing wild, uncontrolled fists at my face – some of which connected. But there was no time to ice it up. You just kept going.

I remember a time when I had graduated from training and was working shows, I was still helping with the training class. I was trying to teach the trainees how to put on a sleeper hold after shooting someone into the ropes. One particular trainee, a big guy, high school athlete who was strong, was out of place and broke my nose trying to put the hold on me.

I remember working my weekly show in Noble, Illinois one night. I was way over as a baby face and I milked it in my entrance. At the end, I’d go up on the turnbuckle and raise my arms like all the greats in WWE do. I also remember my foot slipping on the rope and trying to power myself up anyway. I remember the pop I felt in my calf and how much it hurt right before I had a 20 minute main event match. I remember how much is swelled up and the bruising – oh my god, the bruising.

This one is me.

I remember another show where I was booked against a couple guys I’d never worked with in a tag team match. They wanted to do their tag finisher on me and come to find out, they’d made it up that night: a combination where one would give me a Warrior Splash while the other came in with a Hulk Hogan leg drop. Well, this guy can call his leg drop a Hogan leg drop, but he couldn’t drop a leg like Hogan. I ended up taking an ass cheek to the face with the force of his full weight. Mad Man Pondo was on this show – and if you don’t know who he is, he’s famous for death matches with lots of blood and stuff. Look him up. I remember him saying to me “Damn. That looks like it hurt.”

I mean, he wasn’t wrong.

The last one I’ll mention is being dropped on my head. I don’t have any pictures of this one. But I was wrestling a guy who was bigger than me. He wanted to do a penta driver at the end and I let him. Look that move up if you don’t know what that is. And while I escaped injury on this one, my friends all told me they thought I was dead. Because I did land on my head. And oddly enough, I didn’t get injured on the driver, but a fucking clothesline earlier in the match resulted in my worst concussion I’d ever had. Just saying.

The point is that I could tell you all kinds of stories about being accidentally punched in the face, purposely being punched in the face, kicked, concussed and otherwise injured.

I can also tell you about how you learn to do “moves” by actually learning how to put legitimate holds on and taught the ways to make them look authentic without risking injury. I’m a trained fighter. Just because I do it in an entertaining way, doesn’t mean that I don’t know how to rip your shoulder out of socket or how to put you in the position to do so. How “fake” or “gay” will you find wrestling when you’re sitting in the E.R. with the doctor telling you you’re going to need surgery?

And by the way, shout out to my buddy Dexter Roswell and his husband Logan Ridge. I don’t think they’ll mind me saying this. You wanna call wrestlers the “f” word and make the insinuation that we’re all gay because we wrestle? These are two of the toughest motherfuckers on the planet and also happen to be homosexual. I’d love to be a fly on the wall for someone saying that to either of them. People like to call gay people fairies, but if they are, these two a fucking Jorgen Von Strangle from the Fairly Odd Parents.

Keep hate out of your mouth, bitch.

So to kind of tie this all up in a nice bow, my night with the moron who liked to run his mouth ended without violence and him running into his house. That’s probably for the best. But the point of this lengthy blog post is that wrestlers are protective of the business. You can call it choreographed or predetermined or whatever, but keep the word “fake” out of your mouth when referencing our business. I would urge you to do some research on the guys in this business who were badasses: Meng, Harley Race, The Wild Samoans, Dr. Death Steve Williams, Tracy Smothers, Bobby Lashley, Jake Hagar, Shelton Benjamin – and the list goes on and on and on.

Wrestling may involve and entertainment element, but it’s not fake. If you don’t believe me, slide in my DM’s on twitter @10CountJason and we’ll set up a time for you to come get some chops.

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Honest Wrestlemania Reaction

Well, another Wrestlemania is in the books and while it had its up and down moments, there’s no doubt that the spectacle lived up to the hype. The matches – regardless of outcome – that were expected to deliver great moments did just that. We also got one of the greatest Wrestlemania moments of all time from none other than the d-o double g himself, Snoop Dogg. No doubt, there was a lot of heartbreak and a lot of reason to cheer, but there was also a couple moments that left us scratching our heads. But one thing that absolutely cannot be argued is that the crowd got their money’s worth from Cody and Roman alone. We had some thoughts about it on twitter. If you’re not following us… you should be @10CountBlog.

Not to be disrespectful to the other talents on the show, but this article will focus mostly on the day two main event. But before we jump into that, there are some major highlights worth hitting. We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention Sami and Kevin Owens dethroning the Uso brothers. Paying off that story with the former El Generico’s hand high in the sky was a great way to end night one. Night one also delivered, what has been called, the greatest women’s match in the history of Wrestlemania. Charlotte and Rhea Ripley gave an incredible performance, as expected. But what was surprising was how Rey Mysterio and Dom delivered in their match and just how satisfying the outcome was. Maybe it was the hooplah surrounding Rey’s Hall of Fame induction and we’re looking at it through Eddie colored glasses, but for a match that had a “meh” build up, it really over-delivered. It could also be argued that the most “pop-worthy” moment of the night came in this match when Rey took his belt off.

Giving me flashbacks to childhood.

Night two also delivered a couple matches that had no business being as good as they were. Of course, Brock Lesnar opened the show with his match against the Nigerian Giant, Omos. It was a match that had all the tell-tale signs of being a dumpster fire inside of a poop show, but surprisingly, Brock did business. While he did end up getting the win (and hopefully this is the end of the Omos experiment) he made Omos look good in the process. Say what you will about Brock, but when he’s motivated and respects the person across the ring from him (or maybe the situation) he’s a damn good study in selling. Bianca and Asuka was a great match and it was the right outcome – Asuka is a great character and over without having to have a belt. This outcome also opens the door for Asuka to really expand on the “Kana” character and show us what the “murder clown” is capable of.

Maybe the surprise of night two was how good the Intercontinental Championship match was. Triple threat matches are really difficult to pull off. There’s a lot going on, and usually, someone ends up selling on the floor for an inordinate amount of time while two guys (or gals) go at it in the ring. But this one may have unlocked the formula for making one memorable and worthy of the viewers attention – beat the absolute dog shit out of each other. This was a hard-hitting, stiff, no-frills, fight. Not a wrestling match, a fight and it was damn good. These guys were professional and stiff, but safe at the same time with their work. No one was on the floor for an unbelievable amount of time and when it was over, they all had battle wounds. It was the right outcome. Walter (I refuse to call him Gunther) retained and if Cody wasn’t going to win in the main event, this was definitely the right call. The IC title hasn’t been this relevant since the Miz had it in the run up to Wrestlemania 34.


There were also some surprises that were difficult to swallow over the two nights. Balor and Edge was further proof that Edge has been seduced by the darkest impulses of the indies. Also, Brood Edge with no Gangrel or Christian? The match was fine, but the goal was to prove that you’re both supernaturally tough. Jumping out of the ring within the first 30 seconds to grab kendo sticks and chairs to hit each other with and then no-sell – eh, not the route that would be expected of two veterans of the ring. Back on night one, it was the same scenario with Cena and Theory, the match was ok but underwhelming even if the right person won. Logan Paul and Seth Rollins was “meh.” Logan Paul may have used up his supply of memorable moments in the Royal Rumble. The Women’s Tag Match was overbilled – Becky, Bayley, Lita, Trish – too much star power, too much going on, not enough delivery. The work was fine, but it was just a match that we could have seen on Raw or Smackdown and it would have had the same effect. Also, there were just a lot of throw-away tag matches that really didn’t have any compelling stories to tell and felt like they were only on the card to get people on the show.

Exhibit 1

The stars of the show were Cody and Roman and they were shining bright. Cody got the elevator entrance and his gear was just so good. I saw someone on twitter say that his attire made Captain America look like a commie. That’s a pretty accurate description. He comes down the ramp, confident – even in the face of some lugnut who had an “over-rated” sign they were trying desperately to get on TV. He just oozed charisma. Cody has been waiting his whole life for this moment and, much like Triple H said in the post mania press conference, he was collected, calm, poised, professional. From the ring entrance alone, he proved that he deserved this spotlight. Then, in a beautiful blurring of the lines between reality and fiction, Cody went to the timekeepers area, kissed his wife, hugged his mother and his sister and took the opportunity to share a moment with his daughter that she’ll never remember, but Cody always will.

But the cherry on top, and maybe the biggest middle finger to AEW, was what Cody did next. Of course we all know that Cody had a special weight belt made with all the names of the indie promotions he worked for in his time away from WWE, but in one of the most unexpected moments of the entire weekend, Cody gifted that belt to the son of John Huber, a.k.a Brodie Lee, a.k.a. Luke Harper. It’s not a secret that many people in WWE were extremely close to Brodie and when he left, he made those special connections in his short time in AEW. In a company that has taken great care to make sure they don’t name their competition specifically – even if they do allude to it from time to time – the fact that they gave Little Brodie a moment, after he’d been featured on AEW television and has gained a following from that was absolutely special.

Then the Tribal Chief made his entrance. The grand piano ensemble at the beginning really set the tone (in a Wrestlemania where the live music entrances were lacking from what we’re used to.) Roman walked to the entrance ramp with the Wise Man, Paul Heyman and Solo Sikoa (conspicuous by their absence were the Usos.) His entrance, while not grand and emotional like Cody’s, was exactly what it needed to be: Solemn, focused, maintaining the air of dominance and reverence.

When he reached the ring, they did in-ring intro, which are so great for a “big fight feel” as Corey Graves and Michael Cole like to say. It’s also a big tip of the cap that they only did the in-ring intros for the main events or the big matches, saving it for those bouts that need to feel like they’re important. One thing that could be improved on though, Roman doesn’t need to grab a mic and tell people to acknowledge him. Yeah, it’s part of the gimmick, but it was wholly unnecessary in this scenario.

We get it…

The match itself was really good. Slow paced, big impact moments, no wasted movement. They told the story of Cody made mistakes that Roman capitalized on and any time Cody started to get up, there was some type of interference from Solo. Finally, Solo gets tossed, and it looks like Cody is going to make a big comeback. But then surprise, here are the Usos, but then Owens and Zayn make the save. Multiple near falls, but they were good and kept you in the match – they weren’t done for the sake of just doing them. They told a great story. Then when it looks like Cody is about to hit his 3rd Crossroads – a feat that has been established to lead to a win – Solo sneaks back in on the Paul Heyman distraction and gives Cody the Samoan Spike. From there, it’s all over. Roman hits two ropes and a spear to retain the undisputed WWE Championship. Meanwhile, Cody looks on in heartbreak.

Quite possibly one of the most iconic photos in Wrestlemania history.

It was a match for the ages. Really and truly awesome performances were given by Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes. But….. and yes, that is a big butt like Bayley and Nikita Lyons combined, it was not the right outcome. Here’s where the “honest reaction” comes in.

The booking decision here was a failure. No, you don’t always want to book your favorites to win. No, you don’t want to be predictable. But in some cases, predictable is good. In this case, predictable would have been good. In the post show press conference, Triple H said ““Maybe for a lot of people, a shocking outcome. What I will say about that is, it’s always interesting to me when people say, ‘how can that happen?’ or ‘how can they do that in that moment?’ It’s almost perfectly spelling out in this story. ‘I need to finish the story.’ In the WWE, the story never finishes. Tomorrow night on Raw, the story continues. The story takes another chapter. We just got to the end of the chapter.

So why did the chapter have to end this way? Is there not a chapter where Cody gets to finish his story and start a new one? Does Roman have to get to 1,000 days? Mega over babyfaces are few and far between and there’s something to be said about overcoming adversity as a story line. But everyone who hasn’t lived under a rock in the last 5 years knows Cody’s adversity. They know he hated being stardust. They know he wanted to wrestle with Dustin at Wrestlemania and it was shot down again and again. They know he left and made himself a big deal against the odds and despite his association with the Young Bucks and Kenny Omega. They know he came back after reinventing himself and dealt with injuries, nay-sayers, and probably a smidge of Triple H’s bruised ego. Hasn’t he suffered enough?

To continue to book like this, even though Vince is no longer in charge, is asinine. This should have been a no-brainer. Cody goes over, let Roman chase until SummerSlam as the Bloodline falls apart. Cody gets to move on to people like Walter, Sami, etc. Roman would still have Jey Uso to pay off and then Jey could feud with Cody. There’s a year’s worth of booking off the top of my head and they’re things that people would want to see.

This started the entire Bloodline story. Revisiting this almost 3 years later would be money.

It’s just a shame to see Cody lose. The stage was set and if you didn’t pull the trigger here, then where? Next Wrestlemania? SummerSlam? You’re not gonna get the same magnitude at another time. People have seen it. It’s old news at this point. It will especially feel flat if you beat Cody again on the way to the inevitable win. People will lose interest. We don’t want to see the person we want to see win get beaten over and over. Yeah, wrestling psychology dictates that you should build sympathy for the babyface, but you should do that leading up to the big match, not a a part of the big match itself. It’s a tried and true method – let the heel get his comeuppance at the pay-per-view.

With that said, it’s not impossible to bring this story back to this level. But it’s going to be hard. No one will trust WWE to book this in an acceptable way moving forward. They broke our hearts and for some of us, they probably broke our spirit. How many of us had to talk ourselves into watching the RAW after Wrestlemania after the initial reaction was “I’m done with WWE?” I bet its more than you’d think.

You may call me a mark. That’s fine. But sometimes, you have to send the people home happy. You can’t always break their hearts on the way out the door and expect that to keep putting butts in seats. Roman is great, but we’ve seen him beat a who’s who of superstars. This isn’t like when Bruno held the belt for 8 years or whatever. We see Roman on national television weekly (sort of.) This isn’t a territory where most people don’t even know who the champion is until they come to town.

I’ll stand by this statement. It should have been Cody.

I can only hope that whatever Trips has planned will be good. It will need to be.

Follow us on Twitter @10CountBlog.

Episode 70 – Dexter Roswell

It’s week 2 of our limited run of 10 Count Podcasts and we’ve got a hell of a guest this week. He’s the man making wrestling great again – Dexter Roswell. Dexter talks about real life, his journey and some of the cool things he’s done in the wrestling business, and the experience in the business as an openly gay man.

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10 Count Podcast Episode 69 – Munchie Gonzalez

We’re back (bay bay!) Our limited series of 10 Count Podcasts kicks off with a young man who is up-and-coming on the independent scene in the midwest, Munchie Gonzalez. Trained at WWA in Kentucky, Muchie didn’t know initially what he wanted his role to be within the wrestling business. He talks training, an amazing body transformation, and so much more. Give us a listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Soundcloud or wherever you get your podcasts!

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Can We Finally Get Behind Roman?

Fuck Cancer.

On the Oct. 22 edition of Monday Night Raw, Roman Reigns stood in the middle of the ring and told the world that his real name was Joe and that his Leukemia had returned after 11 years in remission. He said that he would need to take some time off. He laid the Universal Title in the middle of the ring and walked up the ramp where he was met by his emotional brothers, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose.

Roman 2

Never in the history of WWE has the universe gotten behind solo Roman Reigns as they did on Oct. 22. Chants of Thank You Roman echoed throughout the building. Every person in that place was a fan of the big dog. His yard was full of respect and admiration on this night. Hopefully, he’ll take that crowd reaction and use it to fuel his eventual return. Because, after all, it wasn’t a retirement speech.

Truly, this humanizes the Samoan Superman. And it just goes to show that cancer is no respecter of person. You can be anyone, it doesn’t care.

Terribly jaded people have theorized that this could all be a work. If it is, I’ll shut down this blog for good and never watch another minute of WWE programming or spend another dollar on WWE merchandise. Even Vince McMahon, the man who threw his daughter into this business for better or worse, realizes that would alienate most of his audience and frankly, piss us all off. God, I hope he’s really not that ignorant.

Roman 3

But the WWE Universe proved something to us all last night. They’re not stupid. Wrestling fans are not dumb. The reaction Roman got last night should be a wake up call to WWE – we hated the character. Not the man. The man, Joe Anoa’i, was over in an instant last night because he spoke from his heart. Because he came out there and showed us vulnerability. He showed us that he wasn’t Superman, but he was going to fight like hell to get to his goal. THIS, is the Roman Reigns everyone can get behind.

But it didn’t stop there, WWE gave us a real glimpse into why they’re so high on Roman last night as well. Take a look at this video.

Roman, had the respect of every person he spoke to backstage. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose were openly weeping on national television. Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Paul Heyman, Braun Strowman, the entire women’s division, Titus O’Neil – they all had so much love for him. They were encouraging him. This was not just a passing “good luck, man” or “I’m praying for you.” No, this was respect for a leader. This was respect for a brother who they believed in. This was a genuine blow to their lives.

Bottom line, we have all been affected either directly or indirectly by cancer. No matter who it is, we don’t route for someone to get sick and we weep with them when they do. This is the fight that we all want Roman to win. It’s pretty obvious that he’s loved and respected by his peers. After last night’s showing, it’s pretty obvious that the universe is going to rally around him. It just makes sense that when he makes his return, that he’ll get a huge reaction. It’s up to WWE to take his character in a direction that more closely resembles the man.

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Five (Totally Possible) WWE Women’s Programs We’d Love to See

It’s no secret that historically women’s wrestling has been treated as a side show attraction. In WWE in particular we’ve seen them get the “pat on the head, awww they’re trying” treatment. The Independent scene is certainly much more progressive when it comes to women in wrestling, with the ready acceptance of inter gender matches and titles; but in recent months we’ve begun to see a shift in the WWE as well.

Truly, the arrival of talents like Charlotte, Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch and Bayley have paved the way for women’s wrestling to be what it can be – which is just damn good wrestling. With Stephanie McMahon (Helmsley?) making the historic announcement on Raw this past week about the “Evolution” pay-per-view, it seems that the spotlight has been shined brighter on the ladies of the squared circle than ever before. So in the spirit of this amazing move forward for women in the wrestling business, we’ve compiled a list of programs that we would love to see (that are totally still on the table.)

Trish vs Alexa

Trish Stratus and Alexa Bliss

Neither of these women are what we would consider “technicians” in ring. Let’s just call a spade a spade; both are awesome characters who are memorable and this is “entertainment.” That’s what gives them both their status. Trish was a product of the attitude era, willing to get your attention by any means necessary – even if it meant she had to be in her underwear to do so. Alexa spent the majority of her time in NXT as the valet for Blake and Murphy. It wasn’t until they gave her a shot on the main roster she showed that she’s a heluva promo and an awesome heel. Neither one are going to go out there and steal the show with their technical abilities.

That said, Trish is one of the most iconic figures in wrestling. She and Lita main evented a Raw at a time when Vince was still sour on the idea of women actually contributing. Alexa has been consistently entertaining and is the only wrestler trusted with both the raw and smackdown women’s titles outside of the WWE’s female blue chipper, Charlotte.

If nothing else, this match would be super entertaining and the build to it would be so much fun. From the initial pop that Trish would get to the cornucopia of material that Alexa has at her disposal for some potentially memorable promos, this would be a highly anticipated match up that would be fun and has the potential to tell an excellent story.


Beth Phoenix and Nia Jax

Say what you will about Nia Jax, but this woman has come a long way in a short amount of time as far as her in-ring work is concerned. Her character could still use some work. I think her biggest hang-up is that she naturally fits into the monster heel role on TV, but that’s contrary to the nature of the woman behind the persona and she just cant separate them. I would argue her best character work was as a face against Alexa Bliss in the bullying angle a few months back – even then she was seen as a sympathetic baby face. As good as it was, I just don’t see that as a natural role for her.

I believe Beth Phoenix could bring out the monster in Nia. Beth, with her size and ability presents a formidable opponent for Jax; which, outside of Maybe Charlotte or Rhonda Rousey, doesn’t exist in today’s WWE. I didn’t believe it for one second when Alexa Bliss cashed in her Money in the Bank – she wasn’t even tall enough to hit her in the vitals with the briefcase. In a real fight, Nia would have gotten up, maybe with a sore shoulder and cold cocked Bliss. Just saying.

Nia needs a babyface that is believable and can work with her behind the scenes to continuously improve her in-ring work and the Glamazon would be exactly what the doctor ordered: a powerful lady that would have the crowd behind her instantly. Beth would be able to match power for power and when the time comes, she would be the perfect baby face to put over the arrival of the true monster within Nia Jax.

Molly Holly

Molly Holly vs Natalya

The women’s Royal Rumble was an excellent barometer for where some of our nostalgic picks are physically. Lita and some of the women who were never really taken seriously, like Kelly Kelly, Tori Wilson, etc., were a little disappointing; but there were two dark horses that stood out to me. One was Michelle McCool the other was Molly Holly. Holly didn’t look like she’d lost a step and was in great shape. While I don’t know that you would consider her one of the greatest in-ring worker’s she was another that was a risk taker and looked like she could still go in the WRR.

Pair her up with someone like Natty who is a sound in-ring technician and I’d be willing to bet the end result would be very satisfying. This is the type of match that would be an excellent secondary feud to compliment the marquee match ups that could take place at Evolution.

Sasha an Michelle

Sasha Banks and Michelle McCool

As I previously mentioned, Michelle McCool’s performance in the WRR was a bright spot for me. I think the proved that she can still go and maybe even that she’d improved a little. Sasha Banks is a good in-ring performer and I think they would pair up nicely – as long as Banks can learn to lay in her kicks in the corner.

I’ll admit, this is complete fantasy booking here and I have no other reason for putting these two together other than it’s an interesting match up to me. I would love to see them play off their connections to Eddie Guerrero and The Undertaker in the build up to the match. I’d also enjoy seeing a reprisal of the “Boss” character by Sasha against McCool from the Laycool days. Love me or hate me for that comment, I thought she and Layla did some decent character work during that time period.

In fact, bring Layla into it as a valet. I’m good with that. I just think this match would be enjoyable.

Mickie and Ember

Mickie James and Ember Moon

Note: This one has happened as a throwaway match. But we’re focusing on programs and making things matter.

Again, this is just another program I would like to see. Mickie James was always one of my favorites in her earlier runs with WWE and also in TNA. I think sometimes her character can be catty and immature, but her in-ring work has always been solid and I would argue that it’s gotten better in recent years. I’m especially fond of that roundhouse kick she does.

Ember Moon is an excellent performer. I have enjoyed her matches and would argue that she made Shayna Basler. Her abilities and charisma are off the charts. The only thing that she’s missing is the name recognition. With WWE network only being 10 bucks a month, I’m not sure why there are any holdouts anymore. That’s a great value for the amount of content you get. Because of that I’m going to say 70 percent of casual fans have no clue about the awesome stuff happening in NXT right now and that’s what hurts all the NXT call-ups – particularly those who don’t get an immediate push. Ember fits into that category.

I think that if you put Ember and Mickie in the ring together and give them a good build to their pay-per-view, you get the veteran talent putting over the clearly superior rookie. The casuals who know Mickie James will respect Ember and she gets a nice win to put on her resume.


Women not mentioned who can add value.

Alicia Fox – I’ve always been high on Foxy. She’s was a model turned wrestler in a diva search who has been around for 10 years. And I think that’s for good reason. She’s always watchable even if she has no direction, she’s not the best, but solid in ring and has the most beautiful northern lights suplex I’ve ever seen.

The Bellas – Love them or hate them, they bring the casual fan’s eyeballs to the product. Neither one of them are lights out performers, but they’re serviceable workers and would get a massive pop. Like it or not, they would add value to a show like Evolution.

Naomi – She’s definitely one of the most athletic women on the roster, she’s over with younger fans and she’s serviceable in-ring. I enjoy Naomi, personally and let’s not forget, she’s a Wrestlemania caliber talent.

The Iconics – With WWE Heavily Teasing women’s tag team wrestling, I think that we see the Iconics become much more prominent in the division than ever before. Billy Kay and Payton Royce can work. I personally think they should find a spot for them on Evolution.

Becky Lynch – Because she’s straight fire. Also because she’s awesome and a crowd favorite. I would love to see her get a push. Like a real one.

Surprise NXT Call-up – This would be the perfect time for a surprise NXT Call-up, whoever that may be. I don’t really care how they do it, but I would love to see it happen. Kairi Sane comes to mind as the ideal candidate but there are a couple other good options in Shayna Basler, Candice LaRae, Lacey Evans or Bianca Belair.

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10 Count Podcast Episode 68 – Madman Pondo and Ax Allwardt

We’re back baby!

So it’s been a while, right? We are in an interesting period here at 10 Count. Let’s call it a time of transition. The last episode we did with Jake Parnell and Cole James turned out to be very successful and we started looking at it and decided maybe it’s time for the podcast to evolve a little. And that’s really the wrestling business. You’re always changing, growing, reinventing and trying new things because people, fans, they’re constantly doing those same things. You have to adapt or die and that’s kinda where we’re at. Its kind of a cross roads if you will for 10 Count.

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10 Count Podcast is proud to partner with Collar and Elbow Brand Clothing! A company for wrestling people with passion. Check out their entire lineup by clicking the photo above. It’s some of the most comfortable clothing you can buy. It’s made from high quality materials and fits like a glove. Brought to you by one of the most passionate men and greatest minds in the wrestling business, Al Snow. Check them out at and use the Promo Code 10COUNT to get 10 Percent off your purchase.


Also, don’t forget to check out our newest partner, 105.7 The Ride WUZR in Vincennes. Click the picture above to visit their website and check out some of the great things they have going on.While you’re there click on the 10 Count Blog link on the right hand side of the page and hear every episode of 10 Count Pod, Yeti Outta Nowhere and the Drunk Tank!

10 Count Blog is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest. You can also check out 10 Count Podcast on iTunes, Soundcloud ,Google Play Blubrry, Stitcher, TuneIn and more!  Get your official 10 Count Blog Merchandise at our Spreadshirt Shop!

10 Count Podcast Episode 67 – Double Feature with The War Horse Jake Parnell and Cole James

We’re doing a double feature this week! One of these interviews is family friendly, the other is not. Listener discretion advised.

The first interview we did was with The War Horse Jake Parnell. This guy is well traveled and regarded as one of the best workers in this area. He recounts his story about almost losing a lip to a turnbuckle at Zero 1 USA and also a story about a show he went to in Alabama where he met an interesting and very patriotic person.

The second segment is NOT FAMILY FRIENDLY. DO NOT LET LITTLE KIDS LISTEN. Cole James, with some help from Cash Borden, tells a couple stories about his experiences at Hogrock Biker Camp for SNPW and also about a girl he met on Craigslist. If you’re easily offended, don’t listen to this. And if you choose to after I warned you… don’t tell me, because I warned you.

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Go to our Patreon site and become a patron! As little as 5 dollars a month can help us expand our brand to new heights. Running a podcast takes quite a bit of time, effort and resource. We have a lot of items on our wish list, including getting our very own .com domain, opening an online store and so much more. For as little as 5 dollars a month, you can help us realize our dreams. And for your money, you can get exclusive content, a 10 Count Blog T-shirt, and even your own MONTHLY segment on one of our shows. It’s all at

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10 Count Podcast is proud to partner with Collar and Elbow Brand Clothing! A company for wrestling people with passion. Check out their entire lineup by clicking the photo above. It’s some of the most comfortable clothing you can buy. It’s made from high quality materials and fits like a glove. Brought to you by one of the most passionate men and greatest minds in the wrestling business, Al Snow. Check them out at and use the Promo Code 10COUNT to get 10 Percent off your purchase.


Also, don’t forget to check out our newest partner, 105.7 The Ride WUZR in Vincennes. Click the picture above to visit their website and check out some of the great things they have going on.While you’re there click on the 10 Count Blog link on the right hand side of the page and hear every episode of 10 Count Pod, Yeti Outta Nowhere and the Drunk Tank!

10 Count Blog is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest. You can also check out 10 Count Podcast on iTunes, Soundcloud ,Google Play Blubrry, Stitcher, TuneIn and more! Be sure and check out our other shows “Yeti Outta Nowhere” With Tommy ‘The Yeti’ Cook and Alan Angel, and also YouTube Exclusives “The Fun House” hosted by Michael Madrox and 10 Count Toys. Get your official 10 Count Blog Merchandise at our Spreadshirt Shop!

Yeti Outta Nowhere Episode 33 – The Condensed Episode

The Yeti is back and he’s going it alone this week to talk about the Greatest Royal Rumble and everything going on this week in WWE and around the world of professional wrestling.

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Go to our Patreon site and become a patron! As little as 5 dollars a month can help us expand our brand to new heights. Running a podcast takes quite a bit of time, effort and resource. We have a lot of items on our wish list, including getting our very own .com domain, opening an online store and so much more. For as little as 5 dollars a month, you can help us realize our dreams. And for your money, you can get exclusive content, a 10 Count Blog T-shirt, and even your own MONTHLY segment on one of our shows. It’s all at

Collar and Elbow

10 Count Podcast is proud to partner with Collar and Elbow Brand Clothing! A company for wrestling people with passion. Check out their entire lineup by clicking the photo above. It’s some of the most comfortable clothing you can buy. It’s made from high quality materials and fits like a glove. Brought to you by one of the most passionate men and greatest minds in the wrestling business, Al Snow. Check them out at and use the Promo Code 10COUNT to get 10 Percent off your purchase.


Also, don’t forget to check out our newest partner, 105.7 The Ride WUZR in Vincennes. Click the picture above to visit their website and check out some of the great things they have going on.While you’re there click on the 10 Count Blog link on the right hand side of the page and hear every episode of 10 Count Pod, Yeti Outta Nowhere and the Drunk Tank!

10 Count Blog is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest. You can also check out 10 Count Podcast on iTunes, Soundcloud ,Google Play Blubrry, Stitcher, TuneIn and more! Be sure and check out our other shows “Yeti Outta Nowhere” With Tommy ‘The Yeti’ Cook and Alan Angel, and also YouTube Exclusives “The Fun House” hosted by Michael Madrox and 10 Count Toys. Get your official 10 Count Blog Merchandise at our Spreadshirt Shop!

10 Count Podcast Episode 66 – Cash Borden

It’s April 21, and we recorded this episode yesterday with a guy who knows all about 4/20. Our guest this week is Cash Borden.

It’s no secret that legalization of marijuana is a hotly debated topic across the country. There are all kinds of opinions, facts, and misinformation out there about cannabis. However, it seems that our country is becoming more and more pro-pot, with many states legalizing cannabis for recreational use and even more states exploring the potential health benefits of weed – even the state of Indiana recently legalized CBD oil.

Cash makes no bones about his support of marijuana – even his merch has copious references to the reefer. He’ll talk a little bit about it in this weeks episode, along with his journey in the wrestling business.

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Go to our Patreon site and become a patron! As little as 5 dollars a month can help us expand our brand to new heights. Running a podcast takes quite a bit of time, effort and resource. We have a lot of items on our wish list, including getting our very own .com domain, opening an online store and so much more. For as little as 5 dollars a month, you can help us realize our dreams. And for your money, you can get exclusive content, a 10 Count Blog T-shirt, and even your own MONTHLY segment on one of our shows. It’s all at

Collar and Elbow

10 Count Podcast is proud to partner with Collar and Elbow Brand Clothing! A company for wrestling people with passion. Check out their entire lineup by clicking the photo above. It’s some of the most comfortable clothing you can buy. It’s made from high quality materials and fits like a glove. Brought to you by one of the most passionate men and greatest minds in the wrestling business, Al Snow. Check them out at and use the Promo Code 10COUNT to get 10 Percent off your purchase.


Also, don’t forget to check out our newest partner, 105.7 The Ride WUZR in Vincennes. Click the picture above to visit their website and check out some of the great things they have going on.While you’re there click on the 10 Count Blog link on the right hand side of the page and hear every episode of 10 Count Pod, Yeti Outta Nowhere and the Drunk Tank!

10 Count Blog is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest. You can also check out 10 Count Podcast on iTunes, Soundcloud ,Google Play Blubrry, Stitcher, TuneIn and more! Be sure and check out our other shows “Yeti Outta Nowhere” With Tommy ‘The Yeti’ Cook and Alan Angel, and also YouTube Exclusives “The Fun House” hosted by Michael Madrox and 10 Count Toys. Get your official 10 Count Blog Merchandise at our Spreadshirt Shop!